Exploratory Data Analysis: WHO COVID-19 data

Introduction This report outlines the process followed during an Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on data published by the World Health Organisation (WHO) data on daily COVID-19 cases and deaths by date reported to the WHO. 1 The dataset (as retrieved on 2022-12-12) contains 254064 records (this dataset continues to be updated and will contain more records if retrieved at a later date), each with 8 attributes: Name Type Description Date_reported Date Date of reporting to WHO Country_code String ISO Alpha-2 country code Country String Country, territory, area WHO_region String WHO region offices New_cases Integer New confirmed cases Cumulative_cases Integer Cumulative confirmed cases reported to the WHO to date New_deaths Integer New confirmed deaths Cumulative_deaths Integer Cumulative confirmed deaths reported to the WHO to date Missing Data Null values The dataset has no null values in any column, with the exception of the Country_code column, which is missing 1072 values (0....

December 21, 2022 · Sam Larkin

Exploratory Data Analysis: UCI Automobile Dataset

Introduction This report outlines the process followed during an Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of the automobile dataset, as supplied in automobile.txt. The dataset is also available online at https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Automobile. The dataset contains data relating to 26 different attributes of 205 automobiles. The attributes are: Name Description Type Units symboling insurance risk rating Categorical n/a make name of manufacturer Categorical n/a fuel-type type of fuel used Categorical n/a aspiration aspiration type Categorical n/a num-of-doors number of doors in words e....

December 8, 2022 · Sam Larkin