Exploratory Data Analysis: WHO COVID-19 data
Introduction This report outlines the process followed during an Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on data published by the World Health Organisation (WHO) data on daily COVID-19 cases and deaths by date reported to the WHO. 1 The dataset (as retrieved on 2022-12-12) contains 254064 records (this dataset continues to be updated and will contain more records if retrieved at a later date), each with 8 attributes: Name Type Description Date_reported Date Date of reporting to WHO Country_code String ISO Alpha-2 country code Country String Country, territory, area WHO_region String WHO region offices New_cases Integer New confirmed cases Cumulative_cases Integer Cumulative confirmed cases reported to the WHO to date New_deaths Integer New confirmed deaths Cumulative_deaths Integer Cumulative confirmed deaths reported to the WHO to date Missing Data Null values The dataset has no null values in any column, with the exception of the Country_code column, which is missing 1072 values (0....